Botox Pricing, tokyo/osaka japan, renatus clinic

Botox Pricing, tokyo/osaka japan, renatus clinic

Renatus Clinic Botox Pricing

Renatus Clinic Botox Pricing

Please note that Botox injections are available at the introductory price only for appointments made with the “Initial Botox Injection” consultation. We kindly ask for your understanding in advance.

Our Botulinum Toxin injections utilize either NABOTA, the only Korean-made product with U.S. FDA approval, or the next-generation NEURONOX Veganusm, ensuring a safe treatment experience. Treatable areas include the upper/middle/lower forehead, glabella, outer corners of the eyes, under the eyes, almond eye correction, nasal root, nasal bridge, nostrils, above the nostrils, tip of the nose, chin, above the lips, mouth corners, gummy smile reduction, and philtrum shortening, covering all possible areas.

➤ Guidelines for the number of units per area are provided here. Most patients are treated within the suggested range, however, if you wish to exceed the upper limit, the fee will be doubled or tripled depending on the amount used.

Treatment Name Price
Botulinum Toxin (U.S. FDA or KFDA approved) First Visit First-time ¥2,200
※The total amount is calculated as the number of treatment areas × ¥2,200. For example, treating the mouth corners and philtrum shortening would total ¥4,400.
Botulinum Toxin (U.S. FDA or KFDA approved) Subsequent Visits First area ¥6,600, each additional area ¥2,200 thereafter
Botox Allergan (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved) First Visit First-time ¥6,600
Botox Allergan (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved) Subsequent Visits First area ¥11,000, each additional area ¥6,600 thereafter
Botulinum Toxin (Korean-made, U.S. FDA or KFDA approved) Botox (Authentic Allergan Japan) for masseter, temporalis, and salivary glands (parotid and submandibular): Standard price ¥22,000 (25 units), First-time ¥11,000 (25 units), Visit within 6 months for the same price, Hair removal contract bonus ¥11,000 (25 units)
Botox Allergan (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved) Standard price ¥44,000 (25 units), First-time ¥22,000 (25 units), Visit within 6 months for the same price, Hair removal contract bonus ¥22,000 (25 units)
Shoulders ¥11,000 (25 units) for Botulinum Toxin, ¥22,000 (25 units) for Botox Allergan
Armpits ¥11,000 (25 units), Hair removal contract bonus ¥11,000 (50 units) for Botulinum Toxin, ¥22,000 (25 units), Hair removal contract bonus ¥22,000 (50 units) for Botox Allergan
Calves ¥11,000 (25 units) for Botulinum Toxin, ¥22,000 (25 units) for Botox Allergan
Nefertiti Lift ¥22,000 (25 units) for Botulinum Toxin, ¥44,000 (25 units) for Botox Allergan
MicroBotox ¥22,000 (25 units) for Botulinum Toxin, ¥44,000 (25 units) for Botox Allergan
34G (Ultra-fine needle) ¥4,400
Anesthetic cream (per area) ¥4,400
Block anesthesia (per area) ¥4,400
External Obisort (one area, to weaken the effect of acetylcholine chloride injection Botox) ¥11,000
Our clinic’s Obisort (one area, to weaken the effect of acetylcholine chloride injection Botox) ¥2,200
※Anesthetic cream is commonly used for facial and underarm treatments. ※Block anesthesia is commonly used for philtrum shortening and above the lips.

※We can also inject into other desired areas not listed in the menu.

Now, for a limited time, the first session is only ¥2,200.

Start with a free consultation

Currently, we do not have an English interpreter available. We can accommodate those who can communicate in Japanese on their own or can arrange their own interpreter. We are also unable to respond to inquiries in English. Please use Google Translate or ChatGPT to translate your inquiries into Japanese before sending them to us.

*If you cannot book an appointment from website, fill out a form down below and please send us an e-mail or LINE. 

*Just in case you do not receive any feedback from e-mail within 48 hours, you may reach us through our official LINE.

*Reservations are only available at Shinjuku Clinic.

  1. Full name:
  2. Gender:
  3. Date of birth:
  4. Phone number:
  5. E-mail address:
  6. Desired reservation date and time:
  7. Desired treatment:
  8. Desired area:


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